Rosscarbery Slí na Sláinte

Rosscarbery Cork Republic of Ireland

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The Rosscarbery Slí Route is 3.7km and begins at the playground at Parkeen Cross. Turn right onto the Convent Road at Parkeen Cross and walk past theChurch, with the lagoon to your right. Just past the convent school, after Temple Bridge take the right turn at the junction which will keep your walk along the Mill Road at the edge of the lagoon. There are reed beds and lots of wild birds to be seen along with Duck Island which is a nesting Island for the swans in the lagoon.When you reach the junction with the N71 turn to your right and continue across the causeway, taking care when crossing the road. At the end of the causeway, turn to your left in the direction of Ross Pier and take the first right turn. Follow the track until you reach a directional sign pointing to the main road. Follow the Coach Road and turn to the right up Closheen Lane also known as Creamery Hill.The route goes through Market Square and veers to the right down Church Street and Carbery\'s Lane to bring you back to Church Road. Turning to the left you return to your starting point feeling proud having completed 3.7km.Recommended as a daytime route and can be walked in either direction.

Trail Details

Rosscarbery Cork Republic of Ireland


  • Walking
  • Hiking

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